

The default implementation of the KnowledgeBase interface. Stores all information in-memory.

The InMemoryLookupKB class inherits from KnowledgeBase and implements all of its methods. It stores all KB data in-memory and generates Candidate objects by exactly matching mentions with entity names. It’s highly optimized for both a low memory footprint and speed of retrieval.

InMemoryLookupKB.__init__ method

Create the knowledge base.

vocabThe shared vocabulary. Vocab
entity_vector_lengthLength of the fixed-size entity vectors. int

InMemoryLookupKB.entity_vector_length property

The length of the fixed-size entity vectors in the knowledge base.


InMemoryLookupKB.add_entity method

Add an entity to the knowledge base, specifying its corpus frequency and entity vector, which should be of length entity_vector_length.

entityThe unique entity identifier. str
freqThe frequency of the entity in a typical corpus. float
entity_vectorThe pretrained vector of the entity. numpy.ndarray

InMemoryLookupKB.set_entities method

Define the full list of entities in the knowledge base, specifying the corpus frequency and entity vector for each entity.

entity_listList of unique entity identifiers. Iterable[Union[str, int]]
freq_listList of entity frequencies. Iterable[int]
vector_listList of entity vectors. Iterable[numpy.ndarray]

InMemoryLookupKB.add_alias method

Add an alias or mention to the knowledge base, specifying its potential KB identifiers and their prior probabilities. The entity identifiers should refer to entities previously added with add_entity or set_entities. The sum of the prior probabilities should not exceed 1. Note that an empty string can not be used as alias.

aliasThe textual mention or alias. Can not be the empty string. str
entitiesThe potential entities that the alias may refer to. Iterable[Union[str, int]]
probabilitiesThe prior probabilities of each entity. Iterable[float]

InMemoryLookupKB.__len__ method

Get the total number of entities in the knowledge base.


InMemoryLookupKB.get_entity_strings method

Get a list of all entity IDs in the knowledge base.


InMemoryLookupKB.get_size_aliases method

Get the total number of aliases in the knowledge base.


InMemoryLookupKB.get_alias_strings method

Get a list of all aliases in the knowledge base.


InMemoryLookupKB.get_candidates method

Given a certain textual mention as input, retrieve a list of candidate entities of type Candidate. Wraps get_alias_candidates().

mentionThe textual mention or alias. Span

InMemoryLookupKB.get_candidates_batch method

Same as get_candidates(), but for an arbitrary number of mentions. The EntityLinker component will call get_candidates_batch() instead of get_candidates(), if the config parameter candidates_batch_size is greater or equal than 1.

The default implementation of get_candidates_batch() executes get_candidates() in a loop. We recommend implementing a more efficient way to retrieve candidates for multiple mentions at once, if performance is of concern to you.

mentionsThe textual mention or alias. Iterable[Span]

InMemoryLookupKB.get_alias_candidates method

Given a certain textual mention as input, retrieve a list of candidate entities of type Candidate.

aliasThe textual mention or alias. str

InMemoryLookupKB.get_vector method

Given a certain entity ID, retrieve its pretrained entity vector.

entityThe entity ID. str

InMemoryLookupKB.get_vectors method

Same as get_vector(), but for an arbitrary number of entity IDs.

The default implementation of get_vectors() executes get_vector() in a loop. We recommend implementing a more efficient way to retrieve vectors for multiple entities at once, if performance is of concern to you.

entitiesThe entity IDs. Iterable[str]

InMemoryLookupKB.get_prior_prob method

Given a certain entity ID and a certain textual mention, retrieve the prior probability of the fact that the mention links to the entity ID.

entityThe entity ID. str
aliasThe textual mention or alias. str

InMemoryLookupKB.to_disk method

Save the current state of the knowledge base to a directory.

pathA path to a directory, which will be created if it doesn’t exist. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str,Path]
excludeList of components to exclude. Iterable[str]

InMemoryLookupKB.from_disk method

Restore the state of the knowledge base from a given directory. Note that the Vocab should also be the same as the one used to create the KB.

locA path to a directory. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str,Path]
excludeList of components to exclude. Iterable[str]