
Cython Structs

C-language objects that let you group variables together

TokenC C struct

Cython data container for the Token object.

lexA pointer to the lexeme for the token. const LexemeC*
morphAn ID allowing lookup of morphological attributes. uint64_t
posCoarse-grained part-of-speech tag. univ_pos_t
spacyA binary value indicating whether the token has trailing whitespace. bint
tagFine-grained part-of-speech tag. attr_t (uint64_t)
idxThe character offset of the token within the parent document. int
lemmaBase form of the token, with no inflectional suffixes. attr_t (uint64_t)
senseSpace for storing a word sense ID, currently unused. attr_t (uint64_t)
headOffset of the syntactic parent relative to the token. int
depSyntactic dependency relation. attr_t (uint64_t)
l_kidsNumber of left children. uint32_t
r_kidsNumber of right children. uint32_t
l_edgeOffset of the leftmost token of this token’s syntactic descendants. uint32_t
r_edgeOffset of the rightmost token of this token’s syntactic descendants. uint32_t
sent_startTernary value indicating whether the token is the first word of a sentence. 0 indicates a missing value, -1 indicates False and 1 indicates True. The default value, 0, is interpreted as no sentence break. Sentence boundary detectors will usually set 0 for all tokens except tokens that follow a sentence boundary. int
ent_iobIOB code of named entity tag. 0 indicates a missing value, 1 indicates I, 2 indicates 0 and 3 indicates B. int
ent_typeNamed entity type. attr_t (uint64_t)
ent_idID of the entity the token is an instance of, if any. Currently not used, but potentially for coreference resolution. attr_t (uint64_t)

Token.get_struct_attr staticmethodnogil

Get the value of an attribute from the TokenC struct by attribute ID.

tokenA pointer to a TokenC struct. const TokenC*
feat_nameThe ID of the attribute to look up. The attributes are enumerated in spacy.typedefs. attr_id_t

Token.set_struct_attr staticmethodnogil

Set the value of an attribute of the TokenC struct by attribute ID.

tokenA pointer to a TokenC struct. const TokenC*
feat_nameThe ID of the attribute to look up. The attributes are enumerated in spacy.typedefs. attr_id_t
valueThe value to set. attr_t (uint64_t)

token_by_start function

Find a token in a TokenC* array by the offset of its first character.

tokensA TokenC* array. const TokenC*
lengthThe number of tokens in the array. int
start_charThe start index to search for. int

token_by_end function

Find a token in a TokenC* array by the offset of its final character.

tokensA TokenC* array. const TokenC*
lengthThe number of tokens in the array. int
end_charThe end index to search for. int

set_children_from_heads function

Set attributes that allow lookup of syntactic children on a TokenC* array. This function must be called after making changes to the TokenC.head attribute, in order to make the parse tree navigation consistent.

tokensA TokenC* array. const TokenC*
lengthThe number of tokens in the array. int

LexemeC C struct

Struct holding information about a lexical type. LexemeC structs are usually owned by the Vocab, and accessed through a read-only pointer on the TokenC struct.

flagsBit-field for binary lexical flag values. flags_t (uint64_t)
idUsually used to map lexemes to rows in a matrix, e.g. for word vectors. Does not need to be unique, so currently misnamed. attr_t (uint64_t)
lengthNumber of unicode characters in the lexeme. attr_t (uint64_t)
orthID of the verbatim text content. attr_t (uint64_t)
lowerID of the lowercase form of the lexeme. attr_t (uint64_t)
normID of the lexeme’s norm, i.e. a normalized form of the text. attr_t (uint64_t)
shapeTransform of the lexeme’s string, to show orthographic features. attr_t (uint64_t)
prefixLength-N substring from the start of the lexeme. Defaults to N=1. attr_t (uint64_t)
suffixLength-N substring from the end of the lexeme. Defaults to N=3. attr_t (uint64_t)

Lexeme.get_struct_attr staticmethodnogil

Get the value of an attribute from the LexemeC struct by attribute ID.

lexA pointer to a LexemeC struct. const LexemeC*
feat_nameThe ID of the attribute to look up. The attributes are enumerated in spacy.typedefs. attr_id_t

Lexeme.set_struct_attr staticmethodnogil

Set the value of an attribute of the LexemeC struct by attribute ID.

lexA pointer to a LexemeC struct. const LexemeC*
feat_nameThe ID of the attribute to look up. The attributes are enumerated in spacy.typedefs. attr_id_t
valueThe value to set. attr_t (uint64_t)

Lexeme.c_check_flag staticmethodnogil

Check the value of a binary flag attribute.

lexemeA pointer to a LexemeC struct. const LexemeC*
flag_idThe ID of the flag to look up. The flag IDs are enumerated in spacy.typedefs. attr_id_t

Lexeme.c_set_flag staticmethodnogil

Set the value of a binary flag attribute.

lexemeA pointer to a LexemeC struct. const LexemeC*
flag_idThe ID of the flag to look up. The flag IDs are enumerated in spacy.typedefs. attr_id_t
valueThe value to set. bint