

String name:senterTrainable:
Pipeline component for sentence segmentation

A trainable pipeline component for sentence segmentation. For a simpler, rule-based strategy, see the Sentencizer.

Assigned Attributes

Predicted values will be assigned to Token.is_sent_start. The resulting sentences can be accessed using Doc.sents.

Token.is_sent_startA boolean value indicating whether the token starts a sentence. This will be either True or False for all tokens. bool
Doc.sentsAn iterator over sentences in the Doc, determined by Token.is_sent_start values. Iterator[Span]

Config and implementation

The default config is defined by the pipeline component factory and describes how the component should be configured. You can override its settings via the config argument on nlp.add_pipe or in your config.cfg for training. See the model architectures documentation for details on the architectures and their arguments and hyperparameters.

modelThe Model powering the pipeline component. Defaults to Tagger. Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]
overwrite v3.2Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to False. bool
scorer v3.2The scoring method. Defaults to Scorer.score_spans for the attribute "sents". Optional[Callable]

SentenceRecognizer.__init__ method

Initialize the sentence recognizer.

Create a new pipeline instance. In your application, you would normally use a shortcut for this and instantiate the component using its string name and nlp.add_pipe.

vocabThe shared vocabulary. Vocab
modelThe Model powering the pipeline component. Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]
nameString name of the component instance. Used to add entries to the losses during training. str
overwrite v3.2Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to False. bool
scorer v3.2The scoring method. Defaults to Scorer.score_spans for the attribute "sents". Optional[Callable]

SentenceRecognizer.__call__ method

Apply the pipe to one document. The document is modified in place, and returned. This usually happens under the hood when the nlp object is called on a text and all pipeline components are applied to the Doc in order. Both __call__ and pipe delegate to the predict and set_annotations methods.

docThe document to process. Doc

SentenceRecognizer.pipe method

Apply the pipe to a stream of documents. This usually happens under the hood when the nlp object is called on a text and all pipeline components are applied to the Doc in order. Both __call__ and pipe delegate to the predict and set_annotations methods.

streamA stream of documents. Iterable[Doc]
batch_sizeThe number of documents to buffer. Defaults to 128. int

SentenceRecognizer.initialize method

Initialize the component for training. get_examples should be a function that returns an iterable of Example objects. At least one example should be supplied. The data examples are used to initialize the model of the component and can either be the full training data or a representative sample. Initialization includes validating the network, inferring missing shapes and setting up the label scheme based on the data. This method is typically called by Language.initialize.

get_examplesFunction that returns gold-standard annotations in the form of Example objects. Must contain at least one Example. Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]
nlpThe current nlp object. Defaults to None. Optional[Language]

SentenceRecognizer.predict method

Apply the component’s model to a batch of Doc objects, without modifying them.

docsThe documents to predict. Iterable[Doc]

SentenceRecognizer.set_annotations method

Modify a batch of Doc objects, using pre-computed scores.

docsThe documents to modify. Iterable[Doc]
scoresThe scores to set, produced by SentenceRecognizer.predict.

SentenceRecognizer.update method

Learn from a batch of Example objects containing the predictions and gold-standard annotations, and update the component’s model. Delegates to predict and get_loss.

examplesA batch of Example objects to learn from. Iterable[Example]
dropThe dropout rate. float
sgdAn optimizer. Will be created via create_optimizer if not set. Optional[Optimizer]
lossesOptional record of the loss during training. Updated using the component name as the key. Optional[Dict[str, float]]

SentenceRecognizer.rehearse methodexperimentalv3.0

Perform a “rehearsal” update from a batch of data. Rehearsal updates teach the current model to make predictions similar to an initial model to try to address the “catastrophic forgetting” problem. This feature is experimental.

examplesA batch of Example objects to learn from. Iterable[Example]
dropThe dropout rate. float
sgdAn optimizer. Will be created via create_optimizer if not set. Optional[Optimizer]
lossesOptional record of the loss during training. Updated using the component name as the key. Optional[Dict[str, float]]

SentenceRecognizer.get_loss method

Find the loss and gradient of loss for the batch of documents and their predicted scores.

examplesThe batch of examples. Iterable[Example]
scoresScores representing the model’s predictions.

SentenceRecognizer.create_optimizer method

Create an optimizer for the pipeline component.


SentenceRecognizer.use_params methodcontextmanager

Modify the pipe’s model, to use the given parameter values. At the end of the context, the original parameters are restored.

paramsThe parameter values to use in the model. dict

SentenceRecognizer.to_disk method

Serialize the pipe to disk.

pathA path to a directory, which will be created if it doesn’t exist. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str,Path]
excludeString names of serialization fields to exclude. Iterable[str]

SentenceRecognizer.from_disk method

Load the pipe from disk. Modifies the object in place and returns it.

pathA path to a directory. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str,Path]
excludeString names of serialization fields to exclude. Iterable[str]

SentenceRecognizer.to_bytes method

Serialize the pipe to a bytestring.

excludeString names of serialization fields to exclude. Iterable[str]

SentenceRecognizer.from_bytes method

Load the pipe from a bytestring. Modifies the object in place and returns it.

bytes_dataThe data to load from. bytes
excludeString names of serialization fields to exclude. Iterable[str]

Serialization fields

During serialization, spaCy will export several data fields used to restore different aspects of the object. If needed, you can exclude them from serialization by passing in the string names via the exclude argument.

vocabThe shared Vocab.
cfgThe config file. You usually don’t want to exclude this.
modelThe binary model data. You usually don’t want to exclude this.